
Fall of the Autobots - Ch.1

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TaintedTamer's avatar

Literature Text

Title - Fall of the Autobots
Chapter - One
Fandom - Transformers
Main Characters - Kale, Becka, Sam, Ryuko, Mirage, J.T, Ra
Rating - Teen
Word Count - 2,825

“I highly doubt that Ironhide would let you do that Kale.”

“Aw, you’re to up tight Becks! Sam, don’t you think I could convince him? I mean, I could even help him polish up a couple of his owns weapons if he would help me upgrade mine.”

Four teens came up the hill, bundled up as she trekked on through the snow. Prowl’s rule of being picked up by Autobots was ignored since none of them were able to get in touch with the base. So they decided to just walk there.

Ryuko hung back with Becka, allowing Sam and Kale to walk ahead. She smiled, glancing at the younger girl,

“I bet you ten bucks that Ironhide will say no.” Ryuko said, her smile widening slightly.

“Hmm…alright, I’ll take that bet. I’ll bring it up to fifteen and I say ‘Hide says yes. I don’t think he’ll say no to showing off his weapons.”

“Girls, hurry it up!”

Becka and Ryuko blinked, looking up to see Sam and Kale waiting for them. Becka narrowed her eyes,

“Don’t fritz! We’re coming!” she snapped before picking up the pace.

Soon the base was in sight – hidden among the snow and trees that made up the forest around them. Becka smiled,

“I bet Sunny will try and strike revenge Ryuko. We should be careful.” She teased.

“You kidding? I have Blurr to protect me.”

“Yeah and I have Wheeljack, but…hey!” Becka exclaimed, stopping as she ran into Kale. Anger flashed across her features as she stepped back,

“Kale! What the hell are you doing?! Why did you stop!?” she yelled.

Kale pointed ahead, where he and Sam were both staring. A gasp came from Ryuko as they all saw the base. It didn’t look that bad from the outside, but the metal doors were ripped right off their hinges and were lying up ahead. Large scorch marks lined the doorway and the inside of the base was dark…

“Wha….what happened?!” Becka asked, voicing the question that was in everyone’s mind.

Sam tensed, glaring. “This…crap...guys, let’s stay back. I’m going to try and call Bumblebee again -”

“No way Sam! I say we go in and find out what the hell happened!” Kale interrupted, glaring. He clenched his fists, looking up ahead before running towards the base.

“Kale! Kale! Dammit! Come on guys!” Becka shouted, running after the black haired teen. Ryuko and Sam glanced at one another before following their friends.


The base was deathly silent and cold due to the doors being wide open. Becka shivered, trailing behind her friends as she looked around the dimly lit hallways. Everything was a mess – doors dangling from their tracks, walls broken and covered in dents and scorch marks, the floor…the floor was littered with fragments of metal and the remnants of plasma blasts.

Fear was drifting over her and she clenched her hands together as she came to a very familiar hallway. She looked ahead to see the others continuing on and turned, disappearing down the dark hallway.

When she reached the lab doors she noticed they were trying to close, but the enormous dents that had obviously been where someone had grabbed and forced them open were preventing that. Becka hesitated before slipping through the opening and her eyes widened. If she thought the hallways had been a mess, this place was a disaster zone.

The tables had been turned over and thrown about, the shelves pushed down and their contents spilling and smashing onto the once clean metal floor. The newest experiment that she had been working with Wheeljack on was destroyed – torn to shreds and left on the ground.

“Wheeljack…” Becka said softly, closing her eyes.

Whatever had happened to the Autobots had happened to all of them…her fears and worries were rising with every moment of not knowing what had happened and Becka felt tears welling in her eyes.

Suddenly, movement caught her attention.

In a flash, Becka tensed and looked up, glaring.

“W-whose there?!” she shouted, her voice echoing in the wrecked lab.

Silence answered her, but Becka heard a faint scuffling and started forward into the area. It was hard to see anything without the usual bright lights above blaring down and she stopped as she came to the darker area of the lab. Sparks shot from something that had fallen and she shouted, stepping back quickly only to painfully walk into something.

She whipped around and didn’t see anything…but the sudden pinching feeling of something grabbing her was quite clear and she let out a frightened scream as she was lifted right up into the air.


Her friend’s calls were faint and she was regretting leaving their company as she was held tightly. All around her, a blue hand began to flicker and appear and then up to a white arm…Becka stared as Mirage appeared, sitting awkwardly and his optics dimly lit with several cracks running across the blue glow.

“Mirage! Mirage, it’s me, Becka! Please, put me down!” she pleaded, looking at the blue and white mech desperately. Mirage’s arm sparked slightly as he leaned forward to look at her. His optics widened ever so slightly and he quickly put her down.

“B-b-becka, I’m so s-sorry! I…I can barely see…my optics…are damaged…” Mirage managed to say, his voice breaking up as more sparks lined him. Becka couldn’t see his damages due to the darkness, but she guessed he was in horrible shape.

“Becka, there you are! Are you alright?!”

Becka turned as she heard footsteps and she smiled faintly at Ryuko.

“I…I’m fine. I found Mirage Ryuko, but he’s…he’s really hurt.”

Ryuko came closer, her eyes trailing up to see the white Autobot.

“Oh man…your not kidding…Kale, Sam! We’re in the lab, hurry!”


They had managed to coax Mirage out of the lab, but the mech was frightened without his vision and he was injured enough to make walking painful.

Sam now stood beside the mech as Mirage sat down in the hall and Kale turned.

“Mirage…what happened? Where are the others?” he asked.

Becka narrowed her eyes slightly, “Kale, are you sure we shouldn’t wait? Maybe we can fix him up a bit…”

“No Becks. We need answers and we need them now. Mirage?”

The Autobot had powered down his optics, finding it useless to keep them on.

“Decepticons…somehow they found our base…”

Becka stepped closer to Ryuko, wanting her friend close as Mirage began to speak.

“It…at first, it was only the seekers. We decided that it would be best to take them out before they spread news of our location to the other Decepticons, but it was just a lure to get us outside. Soundwave made quick work of our communications and his cassettes managed to get inside. Our defense system was shut down and all slag broke loose.”

Kale tensed, stepping closer as Mirage continued,

“All of the Decepticons came…and even the Insecticons were there. They chewed right through the back of the base and attack through the west area while the other Decepticons forced us back into the base. Megatron was battling Optimus…and then I remember pure pain shooting through me. I can’t remember who hit me…it may have been Blackout…but…I remember someone helping me after my optics began to fail. I was led to the lab and the last thing I heard was shots being fired and then silence…horrid silence…I stayed invisible as I was told and I guess the Decepticons skipped over me. Then I picked up heat and grabbed Becka…”

“So, this just happened? Damn…that must mean all of the Autobots are…”

“No! No way, I’m sure more got away besides Mirage! We need to search the entire base!” Sam interjected.

Kale glared slightly, but nodded.

“Right. Mirage, can you stay here? We need to check the rest of the base out and see if anyone else managed to avoid capture.”

Mirage hesitated before giving them a sad nod.


“I can’t find anybody…the ‘cons must’ve snagged everyone.” Kale admitted, looking down sadly.

Becka closed her eyes,

“Guys…what are we going to do? Without the Autobots, the Decepticons will go crazy. Earth is screwed if the Decepticons kill them all!” she said, her voice cracking slightly.

Ryuko shook her head, “They can’t! They can’t kill the Autobots…not all of them…they just can’t…”

Sam crossed his arms, just as upset as the others.

“But…what can we do?” he asked, looking up at the others.

Becka was silent but looked away when she realized she didn’t have a plan. Nothing like this had ever happened…and for Wheeljack and the others to be gone just seemed impossible. She wanted to wake up from this hell of a nightmare, but she was slowly realizing it wasn’t a dream.

Mirage had gone into recharge, so they were all stood near by.

“Well, I did find some useful things in the medbay. We may be able to repair Mirage…but I don’t think he’ll be able to save all of the others by himself even if we do manage to patch him up.” Kale announced, stepping forward.

He became quiet again, looking down as he thought. Silence drifted over and Ryuko leaned back against the wall,

“This is pointless…we should tell the others what happened. I’m sure they’ll want to know…”

Kale quickly looked up,

“That’s it!” he shouted, causing the three to jump. Sam blinked,

“What’s it Kale?” he asked, raising a brow.

Kale whipped around, “We need the others! All of the kids who have helped the Autobots – everybody! We can plan a rescue mission!”

“Kale, we don’t even know where the Decepticon base is!” Becka said, finally looking up.

Sam shook his head, “Whoa, whoa! Guys, we can’t seriously think about taking on the Decepticons?! They’ll kill us without even trying!”

“It wont just be us though Sam! All of us together! We’ve been hanging out around the Autobots for a long while now, we’ve learned a lot and I’m sure Becka and…Becka, who was hanging out with Red and Prowl?”

Becka blinked, a bit surprised by the sudden question.

“RedAlert and Prowl? Um…if I can remember properly, I think Ra and J.T – “

“Great! See, right there is our smart group! I’m sure the three girls could trace one of the Autobot’s signals and find out where the Decepticon base is with no prob!”

Ryuko smiled, liking this idea more and more by the minute.

“What about weapons? We can’t go in empty handed ya know! I’ve got some fun toys that we could use…glitter, sparkle, paint, spray-paint – the works!” she said.

Kale nodded,

“I’ve got tons of guns and stuff at my place! Mainly B.B guns and paintball guns, but if Becka has learned anything from Wheeljack, I’m sure she can give them a nice upgrade.”

He paused, narrowing his eyes.

“We need a really good plan…and a lot of people. Like seventeen or eighteen people max. Two teams – one that’ll distract the cons and the other that will find the control room or something and send the base’s systems offline for a good while…”

Sam stood a bit straighter,

“I’ll lead one of the teams. I’ve got a few bats and stuff I could bring too along with anything else we might need.”

“Becka, you’ll lead the other team.” Kale ordered.

She blinked, “What?!”

“Yeah, you’re really smart. You’ll be the leader of the fritz team and you’ll screw up the control room big time. Yeah…I think this will work! No – it will work!” Kale cheered, smiling brightly.

He turned, “Alright, let’s start calling people. First, we tell them what happened and second we see if they’ll help us. I’m going to call Ra and C.T –“

“J.T! Her names is J.T Kale!” Becka corrected.

“-right, her, and they’ll get together with you Becks. Your mission for right now is to find where the hell the Decepticons took our buddies. Ryuko, you and I will start creating a stash. We need as many ‘weapons’ as possible and anything can be used. We’re not going to try and take the Decepticons down; we’re just going to annoy the hell out of them until Team Fritz gets their mission accomplished.”

Ryuko saluted, “Yes sir! But I think we should get a cool name too…how about Team Autobots? Or Team Blitz! Then we would rhyme!”

Kale smiled, “I like Team Blitz…we’ll use that one.”

“Hey, what do you want me to do?” Sam asked, stepping forward.

“Sam, call as many people as you can after Ra and J.T get here and then you can help Ryuko and me.”

Becka stepped forward, smiling,

“So, we’re really going to do this?” she asked.

There was a moment of silence before Kale nodded,

“Yeah, we’re going to do this. We’re going to get everyone together, build up an army, create a plan, break into teams, then lock and load! We’re going to rescue the Autobots…who’s with me!?” he yelled, putting his hand out.

Becka’s smile brightened as she put her hands on Kale’s.

“I’m with you!”

“Me too!” Sam said.

Ryuko grinned, placing her hand onto the pile as well, “Hell yeah! Let’s kick some Decepticon butt!”


Becka narrowed her eyes, watching the information flashing across her laptop screen. Ra and J.T were on either side of her, both holding flashlights as they stood up on the ruined control panel. They had tried to reactivate Teletraan 1…but without RedAlert or Wheeljack, their attempts were useless.

“Hey…there! We’ve got Red’s signal!” J.T said, pointing to the screen as a blip came up.

“Geez…that’s really far. I think that’s a state over…I’m shocked we picked up the signal.” Ra said.

“But we know where they are and that’s good enough. Ra, can you get this printed out or write the coordinates down, please?” Becka asked.

Ra nodded, “Yeah, no prob. I’ll write it down and then print it once I get back home.”

Becka stood, closing her laptop.

“You both did a great job. I don’t think I could’ve hacked in the mainframe and found that signal without you two.”

J.T gave her a faint smile,

“It’s not a problem. All that matters is we know where the Autobots are…”


Said girls all looked down to the floor to see Kale, who was looking up at them impatiently.

“Have you found anything yet?! We need to get out of here before it gets to dark.”

Becka nodded, though she doubted Kale could see it.

“Yeah, we found the area that the Autobots are being held! It’s quite a distance…but we can make it there in a day or less if we go continuously.”

“You did?! That’s great! Who has the info?”

“I do.” Ra said, narrowing her eyes slightly.

“Well, hurry up and come down! We need those coordinates pronto!”

Becka flinched slightly, shaking her head. Kale and Ra really didn’t along well, mainly because of Kale’s tendency to boss people around…

“You can wait! I need to get these coordinates polished up and then I’ll give them to Becka! You can freakin’ wait!” she snapped.

Kale glared right back, “We don’t have time to –“

“Kale!” Becka shouted in a warning tone. Kale narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms.

“Fine…Becka, can you give them to me once she’s done?” he asked roughly.

Becka merely nodded, “Yeah, no prob Kale.”

Kale left and J.T shook her head,

“Aren’t Ra and Kale on Team Fritz, Becka?” she asked.

Becka nodded and J.T shook her head,

“Who put these teams together – a monkey?”

“Sam and Kale did.” Ra said, turning as she re-read the info on her notepad.

“So, two monkeys did put the teams together…”

Becka laughed a little, “It’s alright…I’ll just make sure to keep Kale busy. Now, I think we should start packing up. We’re meeting here tomorrow morning so be sure to bring anything and everything you’ll need.”

Ra and J.T both nodded…though J.T looked doubtful.

“Becka, will this work? This just seems to be against everything Prowl set up to help keep us safe.”

Becka was quiet as she searched for an answer.

“Never do what your enemy expects you to do. All of the rules that are meant to keep us safe aren’t worth squat if the Autobots are killed. It’s time for us to step up and help the Autobots for once... It’s our way of returning the favor if you want to think about it – I mean, how many times have they saved our hides?”

Ra nodded a little, her eyes drifting away.

“But…it’s going to be hard. We have to save RedAlert and the others…we’re going to need a top-notch plan.”

“That’s why you two are with me. Together, we’re going to make a plan and then form it with whatever Kale and Sam are coming up with. So I really need you guys to help me.”

The two girls nodded,

“We’re with you Becka.”

End of Chapter One
Chapter one of my new fanfic, Fall of the Autobots. It's only going to be 4 or so chapters - nothing to long.

To sum it up, the Autobots have all been captured and it's up to the humans to save the day.

If your character didn't appear in this chapter, don't fritz. All characters will appear, I just couldn't have a swarm of humans running randomly around the base. ^^;

First chapter is a little rough, but the second will pick up the pace....

See a spelling error or something strange? Please tell me. :heart:

Chapter 2 - [link]

:icondetectivesatomi: - Kale
:iconsilverphantom: - Ryuko
:iconpurpleshadowbooster: - J.T
:iconshikuroxkanno: - Ra
© 2008 - 2024 TaintedTamer
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Scattorshotsfangirl's avatar
i has question. Which series is this for?